The Nomad Overland Virtual Adventure Rally is designed so that participants from all over the United States can compete together online. There are four different ways to earn points and the team with the most points at the end of the 10-week period is the winner of bragging rights, a trophy, a gift card and some swag.

Overland Driving Stages

Drive a series of day-long stages that can be combined into one long multi-leg journey or several shorter trips. The flexible format allows you to travel where you want, when you can — anytime during the 10 week timeframe.

Activity Tasks

Earn more points by completing specific activities during the rally timeframe. Some of the tasks are related to driving and navigating, but others are designed to encourage you to delve deeper into the outdoor experience or learn something about the places you travel through.

Explorers Quest

The Explorers Quest is centered around a list of things you can find outdoors. Some are easy things you can find anywhere, while others require a bit of luck and a specific location. You have ten weeks to find and photograph as many as you can to add to your Rally points total.

Weekly Challenges

Each week you can also earn points by testing your knowledge in a short online “quiz”-style activity focused on overland driving, navigating and outdoor skills.



The competition is scored based on a point-system, with set points for specific elements as outlined in the Nomad Overland Virtual Adventure Rally course book, which participants are given at the start of the event. Required proof-points include things like photos, screenshots of GPS tracks, social media posts and online answers to specific questions. Participants upload their required proof-points according to rolling deadlines, and scores are tallied and updated on the leaderboard each Monday during the event. At the end of the ten-weeks, the trophy and prizes will be awarded to the team with the most points.