Nomad Overland Rally 2024

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2024 Leaderboard: Week 10

1st: 5,474 points

2nd: 5,473 points

3rd: 5,468 points

3rd: 5,468 points

(Checkout the full Leaderboard for all the Teams’ Week 10 scores)

Week 10 of the Nomad Overland Rally, was the final week of the competition and a scramble to the end, as Teams tried to eke out a few more points. So many of our Teams finished strong this year and the points gap narrowed so much that at the end only one point separated First and Second Place, and Third Place was tied! Ten Teams finished with more than 5,000 points!  Team 110 Smigiel finished in First Place with 5,474 points.  Team 101 Mercer cane in Second Place with 5,473 points. Third Place was a tie between Team 114 Dolbow and Team 117 Lucas who each earned 5,468 points. The final Weekly Challenge, “Recovery Basics,” gave the Teams one more opportunity to add points to their scores by demonstrating their knowledge of vehicle recovery techniques.

Highlights from Week 9

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Here are some Week 9 highlights from around the 2024 Nomad Overland Rally. Team 101 Mercer, moved into First Place, this week after going all out to search for a few more PhotoQuest items, and finishing up the final Navigation activity. Team 117 Lucas, dropped back to Second place Place, but is steadily checking off their last few activities.  Team 110 Smigiel moved into Third Place, continuing to systematically go after every point. Team 130 McClellan is pushing forward, going out in search of some of the harder-to-find wildlife.  Team 129 Astor (NC Oldman Overland) is checking off their last few activites and preparing for a strong finish. And most of the other Nomad Teams are making a final push for points as they enter the last week of the event. Check out the Leaderboard to see how everyone ranked at the end of Week 9.


The Rally started on June 3rd, and a number of teams were already beginning their first Overland Stages, while others were still in the planning stages. Here is a curated collection of recent images from our social space to give you a peek into the teams and their progress.

Team Spraptor is getting ready to compete in the nomadoverlandrally this summer! Join us to support a “Lil’ Bronco doing Big Bronco things” 💙

We are still looking for companies to join us in addition to owner/group support on the rally shirt and swag. Get in touch through DM for more details and hope to see you on the trails soon!

- Jenna and BB-51 

Build Sponsors 👏 
yuccamfg *oopsie, not on the graphic 🥹

Rally Sponsors 👏 
#bronco #fordbronco #builtwild #broncosport #fordbroncosport #ford #bronconation #thebronconation #broncosofinstagram #bronco6g #builtfordtough #offroad #ambassador #womenwhowheel #girlswhooffroad #leadingthetrail #leadingthetrailsince76 #sponsor #sponsorship #sponsorshipopportunity #nomadrally #nomadoverlandrally
Challenge yourself to a new adventure #nomadrally #nomadoverlandrally #offroad #overlanding #adventure #explore #adventuretime #discoverearth #adventuretravel #drive #gofar #getoutside #jeeplife #4x4 #exploremore #findyouself #nomadlife #gofarther #challenge #trailtime #moab
Discover someplace new. #nomadrally #nomadoverlandrally #offroad #overlanding #adventure #explore #adventuretime #discoverearth #adventuretravel #florida #gofar #sunrise #wildplaces #exploremore #findyouself #nomadlife #gofarther #exploreyourworld #trailtime #photoquest
Get out and explore more. #nomadrally #nomadoverlandrally #offroad #overlanding #adventure #explore #adventuretime #discoverearth #adventuretravel #gofar #jeeplife #4x4 #exploremore #findyouself #nomadlife #gofarther #trailtime
Explore otherworldly places. #nomadrally #nomadoverlandrally #offroad #overlanding #adventure #explore #adventuretime #discoverearth #adventuretravel #desert #gofar #newmexico #wildplaces #4x4 #exploremore #findyouself #nomadlife #gofarther #domore #trailtime #photoquest
Enjoy a night run. #nomadrally #nomadoverlandrally #offroad #overlanding #adventure #explore #adventuretime #discoverearth #adventuretravel #nightrun #gofar #nightlife #jeeplife #4x4 #exploremore #findyouself #nomadlife #gofarther #domore #trailtime #nomad
Up-level your recovery skills. (Did you know you earn points for skills training during the Nomad Overland Rally?) #nomadrally #nomadoverlandrally #offroad #overlanding #adventure #explore #adventuretime #discoverearth #adventuretravel #winching #gofar #nomad #4x4 #exploremore #uplevel #nomadlife #gofarther #gettrained #trailtime #recovery #beprepared
Challenge yourself to explore more. #nomadrally #nomadoverlandrally #offroad #overlanding #adventure #explore #adventuretime #discoverearth #adventuretravel #dunes #gofar #glamis #jeeplife #4x4 #exploremore #findyouself #nomadlife #gofarther #gotsand #trailtime
Have some fun with maps. #nomadrally #nomadoverlandrally #offroad #overlanding #adventure #explore #adventuretime #discoverearth #adventuretravel #landnav #gofar #nav #map #4x4 #exploremore #findyouself #papermaps #gofarther #domore #trailtime #navigation
Who wants to play in the mud? #nomadrally #nomadoverlandrally #offroad #overlanding #adventure #explore #adventuretime #gotmud #adventuretravel #mudpit #obstaclecourse #getstuck #jeeplife #4x4 #exploremore #trailfun #mudding
Enjoy unexpected wildlife encounters. #nomadrally #nomadoverlandrally #deer #overlanding #adventure #explore #adventuretime #discoverearth #adventuretravel #wildlife #gofar #bambi #photography #exploremore #findyouself #nomadlife #gofarther #domore #trailtime #photoquest
Take the road less traveled. #nomadrally #nomadoverlandrally #offroad #overlanding #adventure #explore #adventuretime #discoverearth #adventuretravel #camplife #gofar #tentcamping #nadatunnel #4x4 #exploremore #findyouself #nomadlife #gofarther #domore #trailtime #tunnel

The 2024 edition of the Nomad Overland Virtual Adventure Rally ran from June 3rd and continued for ten weeks, ending on August 11th. You can follow the rally progress on this page, on Instagram at @nomadoverlandrally and on Facebook at @nomadoverlandvirtualadventurerally. (If you are interested in competing you can register here or get more information about the rally here).